A Church, A Workshop, and A Studio Redo

Well, here it is in all its cute glory….the Wee Church. I was so excited to see it come out of the kiln unscathed. It was a lot of work to get the structure right, and to get the drying time right – too quick and it would crack, but I managed to get it done thankfully! I will have a pre order available on these very soon. The pre orders will be done in small batches, just because of the amount of work that goes into each one.

The studio redo is in full swing. This wall here got a beautiful texture this week just gone, and it is now ready for the next stage. This is obviously the before, as I was moving things out so the wall could be done. The split system will be staying because let’s face it, I am in Tasmania and our winters can be quite cold, and our summer sun can be brutal.

Here is a little peek at the texture all in its lovely whitewashed glory. Once the space is completed I will show you a shot of the whole thing.
The old fluorescent lighting (which I’ve always hated) came down today, and replaced with some new down lights. I tend to only use the beautiful natural light that floods the space, but some days in the depths on winter lights are needed. I’m just thankful those ugly fluoro lights are history!

My big old double worktables will be on the move, and they are getting a fresh coat of paint. This little post wall is a structural piece that runs electrics through, so wasn’t on the plan to be moved. I love drawing on this wall, so it made sense to keep it. Fresh coat of chalkboard paint on both side will expand my doodling area.

There is a lot going on, and I can’t wait to get it finished. All of this has given me this amazing urge to create again. I had been in a nit of a funk with my Dads recent passing, so this has really helped me cope with it all. Art in any form is such a therapy session!

Once the studio is complete, I will be hosting a workshop in it for this beautiful human. If you don’t know of Lady Jo, she is a force of nature, completely brilliant, and is an amazing teacher of all things Reels. Check out her Instagram to see some of the amazing workshops for Reels she has already taught, including one at one of my favourite designers, Lynda Gardeners home!
I for one am so looking forward to this workshop as I really want to learn more about making reels and videos. It’s such a way forward for social media, and whether you like them or not, it’s something as a business owner or content creator that you definitely need to learn. So, I’m super excited about this workshop, and catching up with Jo.
Tickets were only launched this morning and you can purchase one here.

So, as you can see, the studio is in no shape to reveal just yet, but as Leanne Ford said to me recently “it has to get worse before it can get better”.

Talk soon ~ Ness x



Comments (2)

  • Hello from Indiana, USA!
    I wanted to let you know that my new most favorite items, the rabbit cups, arrived today very well protected and just exquisite!
    I will treasure them for the rest of my days! Thank you so very much for sharing your treasures!

    Andrea Buda

    • Hi Andrea,

      I am SO happy to hear that! Thank you so very much.
      Ness x


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